So we are just terrible with keeping updates. We are pretty busy and really lazy at the same time.
Anyways! There is some cool stuff going on!
We have a few things for pre-order BUT... through our partnering labels for those releases.
Flowers Taped To Pens "Nice To Meet You, I Hate You" 12" is up in the Structures//Agony Records web store
Fist Benders - "S/T" Single Sided 12" is up in the Santapogue Media web store
Hopefully those who have been waiting on those can find your way to those. Once the pre-orders ship, we will be selling copies from our store.
We also have the DOCKS - "Misdirected" Cassettes up and available, Pink or Orange.
So We haven't been updating much since things are just so slow for us.
1: The Casper Elgin 'It's Just A Fucking Demo' 7" have been done, we're just waiting on the jackets. For those that pre-ordered, we apologize for the long wait... and also to inform you that the "Clear w/ Green Haze" did not happen. Apparently the colors blended and kinda looks like a Coke Bottle green color.
2: Casper Elgin has called it quits. Such a bummer. BUT!!!... the remaining members are continuing on with music under a new name. So we are excited to see what the future has in store for them.
3: The Flowers Taped To Pens 'Nice To Meet You, I Hate You' 12" test presses are finished, just waiting to get those for approval (well Conner is waiting on those). Once those are set HOPEFULLY they will be pressed quickly, and pre-order info will be up! We will be doing all pre-orders through the Structures//Agony Records web store.
4: The Things Fall Apart LP Is basically on a standstill. Honestly, I have never been more bummed out about something. Due to issues with a specific individual (Not going to go into the details but they are basically off the grid and never paid the plant the money that the labels involved had put in), we will have to wait this one out and HOPE that this person is not a complete asshole and pays the plant what is owed.
5: We will be doing the tape release for the new DOCKS EPwith Open Door Records who will be releasing the CD. More info on that in the future.
well thanks for reading and hopefully we will have more going on soon.
- Jeremey
It's FINALLY HAPPENING! Over a year ago this EP was released digitally and now it will be on a proper physical format. We're super excited to have this as our first pre-order ever! Actually, the first BBR release for sale! (After tons of delays with other projects, but thats another story I'll get into more on the next news update)

Pre-Orders go live at 9AM PST/12PM EST, So go ahead and snag a copy OR a bundle for yourself HERE
- Jeremey

We are Co-Releasing this with Paperweight Records. Each Label and the band will have their own exclusive color-way.
We're stoked to announce Pre-orders really soon! So keep an eye out on our Twitter or Facebook.
- Jeremey
So finally I got off my lazy ass and finished setting up the storefront/site. It's pretty simple for now, I'll be making changes here and there, but for now this is the site.
We have a ton of stuff coming up this year! Releases for bands like Things Fall Apart, Flowers Taped To Pens, Casper Elgin, 1972andesflightdisaster, Life Of Refusal, Sidetracked, Panucci's Pizza, Maladjusted, Fist Benders, and maybe a bunch more!
We couldn't be more excited to get this going. In the process of getting more pins and some stickers made, looking into getting a ton of distro items, and hopefully some other cool junk.

Sebastian approves.